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Product Manager

Five adages and how to apply them as a Product Manager

I spotted these adages on the web a few days back.

These all resonated with me instantly, and not just because one of them is from my favourite movie of all time!

Read on to find out more about each and how to apply them.

Murphy’s law

“Murphy’s law is an adage that is typically stated as: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” In some formulations, it is extended to “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time””

Sounds gloomy.

I remember this one from Interstellar, and it’s stuck with me ever since.

Gilbert’s Law

“The biggest problem with any task or job is that no one tells you what and how to do it.”

Also the name of my father in-law.

Gilbert’s Law is why it’s crucial to be incredibly organised as a Product Manager.

Planning can take five minutes or a bit longer—know your plan and communicate it to the relevant individuals.

Kidlin’s Law

“If you write the problem down clearly, then the matter is half solved”

I don’t know where this one comes from, but I love it.

Once you have done the above, you can confidently begin to iterate on solutions to solve it. You’ll discover a few things along the way, and that’s OK.

Wilson’s Law

“Wealth is not an immediate goal but a byproduct of prioritising knowledge and intelligence”

Now, you might think this one is a little silly. The more you get paid, the wealthier you become. But there are two aspects to consider here.

Falkland’s Law

“Think about the things that are absolutely necessary”

This is huge.

There we have it. Five adages and how to apply each of these as a Product Manager!